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Julie Ka Rami




πŸ™ Certified in Biofeedback, πŸ™ Reiki Master, πŸ™ Certified Yoga Instructor, πŸ™ Master Gardener, πŸ™Crystal Healing, πŸ™ Stellawaves Practitioner, πŸ™ Certified Sound Healing, πŸ™ Creative with Food, πŸ™ Emotion Code student, πŸ™ Compassionate Soul, πŸ™ Spiritual Warrior, πŸ™ Divine Feminine, πŸ™ Life Coach, πŸ™ Moving Away from Dis-ease, πŸ™ Pendulum Gifts, πŸ™ I am a Powerful Transformer, πŸ™ Fairies & Dragons, πŸ™ Certificate in Dowsing, πŸ™ Vegan, and so much More. β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ Life Goes On. Great stuff on YouTube and I’ll keep adding. 1. Wu Wei Wisdom channel 2. Lorie Ladd channel & her own website 3. Teal Swan channel & her own website 4. Light Language Powerful Energy 5. Mooji channel & his own website 6. Reiki Powerful Energy 7. Crystal Bowl Healing 8. Pendulum Clearing trained under Raymon Grace 9. Always learning …………….β˜€οΈ When doing a Google search add β€˜site:edu’ at the end to get educated. The World changes when We change and that change is inside each and everyone of use. We are the World so don’t add to its chaos. Be the Calm in the Storm. Aka: Julie KaRami (Facebook) Earth School Survivor #evermindful I am