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Toviyyah Judah




We must always remember that the Most High God made us first. When he make us he made the very best. According to Genesis 1:26-27, God created US in His own image, both male and female. He bestowed upon us numerous blessings, such as perfect brown skin with melanin to protect us and give us connection to this earth ,dark hue, curly hair, beautiful Thick lips, for a beautiful woman hips, intelligence, and much more. Additionally, He placed us on a continent that was abundant with fruit and food, and filled with precious stones like diamonds and gold, all to sustain us. However, our ancestors were tragically robbed, sold, kidnapped, and carried away from their homeland to distant, heathen lands, where they were enslaved for over 400 years (as described in Deuteronomy chapter 28). Their (Our)language was forbidden, and our names were changed, resulting in a loss of their ancestral connections. Despite this tremendous adversity, we must remember that we are still made in the image of The Most High and possess unique qualities that reflect His divine nature. We must also honor the struggles and sacrifices of our ancestors, who endured great suffering and yet still persevered. Despite the challenges we have faced as African Americans, we have persevered and demonstrated incredible talent and skill. Our athletic prowess, strength, and resilience are unmatched, and these qualities have been forged through our struggles. It is important to acknowledge that despite our many contributions to American culture, Israelites(so-called indigenous, so-called Negroes )continue to face hatred and discrimination. At the same time, many people attempt to appropriate and profit from our culture without giving proper credit or recognition to its origins. Despite these ongoing challenges, we must continue to celebrate our heritage, acknowledge our struggles, and recognize the unique gifts that we bring to the world. By doing so, we can honor the legacy of our ancestors and pave the way for a brighter future for generations to come. And let the remnant of us come together and make magnificent things happen.