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Javad Rezazadeh




Asst.Professor <IoT> Australia Founder & CEO @ IoTFig Location Based Services, Digital Twin, AI Postdoctoral <IoT & Indoor Localization> PhD <IoT Sensor Network & Localization> MSc <Wireless Sensor Networks> BSc <Software Engineering> • موسس و مديرعامل شركت دانش بنيان آيوتي فيگ <<موقعيت يابي و نظارت هوشمند با IoT در محيطهاي داخلي>> Indoor Localization & Smart Monitoring with IoT Recipient of “Australia Global Talent” Academic Bursary Award, Australia Gold Medal, INATEX Industrial Technology Exhibition Best Paper Award, IEEE International Conference Excellent PhD Student Award [email protected] 📍Sydney