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Joy Francis



Our mission is to empower women business owners to create and expand their self-belief around money. You deserve the Cash. That's why ... ... we believe in increased profits. 🙏 🙏🙏God told me to come out of retirement and help 1 million female entrepreneurs make more 💰💰💰 money.🙏🙏🙏 We believe in sharing grace. We believe the blind lady sees things in your business that you don't see. 💰💰 Founder of The Female Entrepreneur's Guide to M.O.R.E. Cash. The digital CFO assisting female entrepreneurs to Double Your Profit and 10x Your Cash So they can live the life you want, the way you want, when you want, and where you want. Profit First Professional, make more profits and keep the cash you earned. We help you transform your business from a cash-eating monster to a money-making machine. Gratitude is my attitude. 💰 Certified Profit First Professional 💹Serial entrepreneur, have started 7 profitable businesses 🤝Certified Keap Partner 🗨️Certified Chatmatic Pro Academy 📇Retired Certified Financial Planner 🕵️‍♀️Retired Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) I can see what YOU can't see. And I don't see🦮👩‍🦯. 🆘Member of Redford Jaycees CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) 👩‍🦯Past President Redford Lions Club 🎙️🔉Past Treasurer Michigan Chapter, National Speakers Association LinkedIn Https://