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Jonny Sinaga




🧵Founder of informal Group of Indonesian Exporters, especially those who do not have access to information and communications technology, and they have to hold the principles: 🙎‍♂️🙍‍♀️respect for human rights 🌴🌵respect the environment ❤️✅must be honest and trustworthy. 🎩Host of Peningkatan Ekspor RI Club: - Every Thursday at 08.00-10.00 am (Hongkong time): a room for the introduction of Indonesia’s export products (English) - Every Saturday at 14.00-17.00 WIB a room to help small business people of Indonesia to improve their products (bahasa Indonesia—Indonesian language) ✝️All humans are loved by God, that was why He created us. 💎Richness is not how much we have but how much we have given to help others. 🏙Used to work at the United Nations, New York, representing Indonesian government. ✅Believes that information and communications technology such as internet, Clubhouse, WhatsApp, emails can be used to help strengthen our connection and cooperations, including in business area, around the world. • Lives in Jakarta, the capital of 272 million population and more than 1,000 ethnic groups of Indonesia 🇮🇩 🛖Used to live: Canberra 🇦🇺, Dili🇹🇱, New York🇺🇸, Tokyo🇯🇵, Buenos Aires🇦🇷 🏚 Graduated from Tulane Law School, New Orleans, US and the University of Indonesia. 👨‍🎓Director of School for Leadership (2012) 🎓Lecturer of International Law at Indonesian Christian University 🗣Languages: Bahasa Indonesia (native), Batak (mother tounge), English (fluent), Spanish (active), French (passive), Portuguese (passive). • Speaker at 2004 UN Model, New York. 👨‍✈️Support clean governance as the key to successful development. • Pendiri 12 wag Peningkatan Ekspor RI (2018). 👍* agar ekspor Indonesia bisa mencapai AS$ 700 miliar (terbesar di Asia Tenggara) 👍 *Bagaimana caranya?* 1. Setiap desa di 34 provinsi minimal punya 1 produk unggulan utk diekspor dengan didukung oleh semua otoritas mulai dari Presiden, para Menteri, Gubernur, Bupati, Camat, dan Lurah/Kepala Desa. (Saat ini ada 74.957 desa dan 8.490 keluharan). 2. Perusahaan di kota harus turun ke desa untuk mencari produk yang akan diekspor karena perusahaan di kota lebih mampu dan sekaligus dapat melihat produk dan potensi di desa-desa. 3. Harus ada keberpihakan pemerintah kpd pengusaha (jangan dipersulit). * Data ekspor 2019: Singapura (AS$ 646 miliar), Thailand (AS$ 325 miliar), Vietnam (AS$ 258 miliar), Malaysia (AS$ 247 miliar), Indonesia (AS$ 200 miliar). Email: [email protected]
