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John Marlowe




Nonprofit for literacy 📚Guinea 📚Founder non-profit: “Guinea Reads” 🇬🇳Building literacy & libraries in Guinea Join me 👇🏼. 👇🏼. 🛖 👇🏼. 👇🏼 DM me on Instagram...go the bottom...let’s make a difference. 🎶Musician/student of West African music 🚌Public school teacher, presenter, reading/writing specialist, grant writer 🎭MEd Integrating Arts & Education 🧠Relentlessly student centered...move the focus from teaching to purposeful learning. 🛠Facilitate learning through projects with MI and Myers Briggs in mind....INFP 🙏🏾Driven by passion to support literacy in Guinea. Fully funded village education since 2013. 🛖Currently building and filling a library in a remote village in Guinea. 👍 Maine 👍 Empowering children 👍 The journey Doni, Doni - Little by little the bird builds its nest. 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼