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Jiro Isetani




English version in later part. 戦争よりドキドキして、平和よりリジェネレティブなもの一緒に作りませんか。 プロセスワークファシリテーター プロセスワーク、ワールドワーク、深層民主主義を愛しています。 日本文学を東京にある大学で学び卒業後、新卒で某総合研究所にシステムエンジニアとして就職 5年間経験を積み、退職 1996年プロセスワークの為に米国オレゴン州ポートランドへ移り住む。 IT関連、通訳、旅行ガイドなどの仕事をしながら、プロセスワークの修行を積む。 2011年 ポートランドのプロセスワーク研究所で、コンフリクトファシリテーションと組織変革の修士号 MACFOC:Master of Art in Conflict Facilitation and Organizational Change を取得 知的障害や発達障害を持つ人たちをその人の自宅でサポート。 プロセスワークの個人セッションやっています。 ディレクトサポートプロフェショナル、オレゴン州パーソナルサポートワーカー、ホームケアワーカー、PSWジョブコーチ。 CERTポートランドネイバーフッドエマージェンシーチームボランティア Processwork facilitator I would like to create together something which is more exciting than war and simultaneously more regenerative than peace. Living in Portland Oregon USA “Processwork, it is an evolving, trans-disciplinary approach supporting individuals, relationships and groups to discover themselves.” ( That trans-disciplinary approach includes dream work, shamanism, Taoism, quantum physics and social activism. Process work is also an alternative service which is a non-diagnostic, non-pathologizing approach for problem solving of human life difficulties and personal growth. In order to follow each person’s process, we explore feelings, body symptoms, altered states, self-expression (movement, visual access, art and creativity), relationship, and social issues. I offer one hour individual, couple (including non-romantic relationships) as well as family/group (3 or more people) Process Work sessions. I have been studying Process Work for many years and completed a Master’s degree (MACFOC) in 2011 at Process Work Institute. My background is in the information technology field so I am good at working with scientific or technical people. I like working on relationships. I would like to support all people including those who are gender non-conforming, poly, LGBTQIA and hetero cisgender monogamous men. I work with individuals, relationships, , family issues, and organizational development. My personal interests include contact improvisation and ecstatic dance, earthquake preparedness, Neighborhood Emergency Team, and amateur radio emergency communication. I have also organized and facilitated community Open Forums at Process Work Institute, and have been a table facilitator at Race Talks. For me, relationship work means working on a connection between two persons, including couples, friendship, employee-employer, co-worker business communication, working on different parts of the individual.