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Jim Ruddy




πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Primary School Teacher (25 years experience) πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“ 11 plus and KS2 online tutor 🏑 Part time property investor in Luton πŸ’» I run an 8-week online creative writing course for children (including 11+ preparation) It has been very well received by parents and children so far. πŸ‘πŸ‘ My Facebook Group is called: β€˜11 plus creative writing’ Come and take a look. There are lots of freebies and videos to help children improve their writing. If you know anyone with children aged 7-11 who need help with writing, send them to my group. πŸ“š Part time creator of low and no content books on Amazon KDP ✍️ Currently building an online course/product to teach writing skills to children πŸ“ Creator of teaching resources. See: πŸ‘‰ I am passionate about teaching children to be better writers. πŸ‘‰ I aim to build different streams of income to allow me to have more freedom. Online courses seems the way forward for me. πŸ‘‰ I love skiiing. πŸ‘‰ I love entrepreneurship and want to build a better life for myself and my family. πŸ‘‰This time next year ........