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~Jennifer~ Sanders




Attorney ~>Privacy • Cyber Security •AI• Cloud • Technology Pragmatic / Common Sense Previous ⤵️ ▫️Accenture (Strategic & Emerging Technology) ▫️Viacom (online/ gaming) ▫️Oracle (who hasn’t been acquired by Oracle?), BEA, Veritas, ▫️Sun Microsystems, ▫️Board member, speaker Stanford Law & IP, Chair ACC Data & IP section ⚖️ Boalt/ UC Berkeley 🤠 Cal Poly (SLO) 👩‍💼 Chair, IP & Tech, Assoc. Corp. Counsel 💁‍♀️ Speaker Stanford & ACC Conference 🚵🏼‍♂️competitive Mtn biker; cyclist; skier 📍Bay Area / Marin 🇺🇸 ——————-♾♾♾—————— 🔍 Here to learn & connect (with people, ideas) 🌱 Grow ——————♾♾♾—————— Interests 🚵🏼‍♂️🚴🏽‍♀️cyclist/coach⛷ski 🤿 scuba🧘‍♀️🪴gardening 🐆cat mom 🥃 tequila 🍿addicted to popcorn 🍯 spirit animal: devil kitty 👿 👿