Jason Holzer
🙏Led by my faith in God 👨👩👦👦I love my wife more that anything and my 2 sons 🦅Soar with the Eagles... Remember birds of a feather flock together 🧠Mental wellness advocate: suicide loss survivor turned life thriver 💯Entrepreneur in the areas of sports and proactive suicide prevention ✅I’m a certified teacher, best selling author, thought coach, elite basketball skills coach, and Co-Founder of 4D Athletes. I work with athletes of all ages, former athletes, sports coaches, sports executives and suicide loss survivors teaching personal growth, and essential life skills to unleash potential talent. 🎯 4D Athletes is the future of sports and is all about transforming lives through the passion of sports. We give equip athletes, parents and coaches with the tools necessary to excel both in and out of sports using our expertise in: -Mentoring -Thought Coaching -Teaching Essential Life Skills -Content Creation and online courses -positively impacting lives using sports By 2030 we plan to transform 100 million lives in mind, body, spirit, and environment by teaching essential life skills through sports via online courses, digital content and mentorship programs 🔍Where you can find me... - https://calendly.com/4dathletesjason - 4Dathletes.com -https://iftt.podia.com/ptg -https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-holzer-a2146160 [email protected] 📚my favorite books include -Think and Grow Rich -The Buddha and The Badass -The Complete Works of Florence Shinn Scovel -The Science of Getting Rich -Sizing People Up -Atomic Habits -The Silva Mind Control Method for Getting Help from the Other Side -The 5AM Club 📚My book is titled “Shattered by Suicide, Renewed by Resilience: How to Move Forward After Being Left Behind”👇👇👇 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1089344953/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_rt03Fb9A7VM2M 🗣I am a transformational storyteller in post-traumatic growth. 💯Creator of Perfessional Growth and Scribetation 🧘♂️✒️Link for Scribetation recording 👇👇👇 https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/uGE7rb5LmH3W0ZFw2dT9ktlOnc-EKlKZIQCORv0fZMvRWcHPjgJ0ULr-fY5HJO4v.LD6dnfHd5hNeExFP