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Suhail Jashanmal




Artist and Entrepreneur From the UAE and educated in the arts in Boston At this point I have a deep art and creativity background, mainly as a Painter and Fine artist, but also as a producer and Exhibition planner. And I like to use my skills and insights in the arts to extrapolate how learned lessons from art practice can solve problems in life in general, be that science, philosophy, the practice of parenthood and education. My personal interests lie in science, space, time, and growth. Periphery interests lie with animals and consciousness. Basically I seek patterns that help solve real problems. Things I’m most proud of creating were Green Abu Dhabi in which through a broad coalition of partners and sponsors I was able to realize a campaign to make an entire city awaken to the need to be more environmentally conscious, and all that through art and media. And that just started one day with a spark of inspiration, nothing more. So I firmly believe art has a role to play in not only our individual development as unique personas but also our development as communities and ipso facto development as human beings. You can reach me on Facebook at: And see some of the work our coalition executed with Green Abu Dhabi at:
