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Jara Dekker




Curious Catalyst: The co-pilot to your life mission. Helping you create from your centre. Bringing back balance and joy to your vision. Creating the team and culture needed to achieve your goals, and building the relationships you need. 
All in all ensuring you don’t become enslaved to the business you’ve built, but that it works for you. ⛔️It’s not about your next quarter. ⛔️ It’s not about your to-do list. ✅It’s about your big vision. ✅ It’s about YOU as a leader. __________________________________________ Logos: Finding shortest path to creating what you truly desire. ❓How well do you really know yourself? 
❓How well do you know your team? 
❓What do you REALLY want to create? ❓Do you even know what is standing in the way of that? In 90 minutes you will not only understand yourself as you never have before, but you will have a clear overview of what areas of your being you need to cultivate in order to achieve that which you’re looking to achieve. 

Run your team through it and get a clear overview of the team dynamics, where communication and connection hiccups may occur and slow you down, and how to optimize your collaborations in order to build faster and more effectively. __________________________________________ 💎 Leader Support Consultant 🥸 Founder @ Logos ✍🏼 Writer ✨ Event Organizer __________________________________________ Ping me to nerd out on 👀: ✨ Emotional Intelligence 💫 The Human Psyche ✨ Project & Launch Organization 💫 Team Culture ✨ Cultivating Relationship & Intimacy 💫 The Human Body ✨ Psychedelics 💫 Spirituality