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James Pruitt




I am an Intentional Transformation Guide I guide people through spiritual principles and practical strategies to create a new consciousness around life, mindset, prosperity and Money, emotional healing, and living with purpose finding the feminine inner healing and manifesting principles balanced with the masculine energy of strategic processes and practical action plans for life mastery Every day I help people: 💰Create a realistic budget and take control of their spending 💰Increase income to build their financial dreams 💰Eliminate the Noose of Debt freeing their income to create life on their own terms 💰Change Your Relationship with Money to bring balance and inner peace 💰Create Prosperity Mindfulness to bring the power of Intention to your life 💰Build a Legacy of Abundance for yourself and your family 💰Align Your Lifestyle with Divine Intentions so you can live the life you were meant to Hit me up in Backchat for a conversation about how to transform your financial future I Broke FREE from the noose of Debt in 2018, and now help others create Prosperity and Financial Independence Scorpio ♏ 🌞 Scorpio ♏ 🌅 Aries. ♈🌔 INTP - Logician Master of strategic planning Always a Student here to learn and expand my own consciousness. Sometimes a teacher sharing my experience with Spiritual Growth and Soul alignment. Studying alignment with Universal Laws and Hermetic Principles, and integrating them into the Intentional Prosperity Journey 📷🎤🎧📹📽️🎥🎬🎞️✏️📓🎶📳 I've been an online content creator since 2008, creating blogs, podcasts, videos, and digital media for myself and as freelancer for others. Special Needs Parenting Advocate Father of Special Needs Daughter Holoprosencephaly awareness Cerebral Palsy Awareness ADHD Adult, spouse and child Check out my YouTube Channel :