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Teressa Price




Founder helping to build a network and community of support for Writers and Editors of Color on Medium and beyond. Dream: To open a community house for aged-out foster care youth that’s funded by real estate and other ventures. The goal is to support and train 25 highly successful, professionals, creatives or skilled trades people to be a community leaders. The key requirement is they must to pay it forward as a board member, mentor or sponsor of another youth. CashApp: iStartUp I am also a matriarch, advocate, foodie, lover of my community, music, and all art forms especially comedy, life long learner, and phenomenal cook who is blessed and highly favored - Join us for:🥘🥮 August Soul Food Sunday Sunday’s 10:30 am EST Ask question & get healthy tips & tricks on soul, southern and food from the African diaspora. Refresh Writers Room 👩🏽‍💼 Let’s share our experiences + writing and publishing tips and tricks of the trade. This Week We’re talking about the writer’s life and balance. Twitter and Insta: @iWriteTee