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Iris 香香




本小姐是幸福人妻,CH只交朋友,謝謝喔!💓💓 🇭🇰🇺🇸A self-motivated stay home mom from Hong Kong and now living in Seattle. Raising two little boys and teaching them Cantonese, Mandarin and English at the same time. Determined to be a lovely pretty and confident woman in a place with freedom and justice. Learning to love and improve myself day by day. 😘 I enjoy speaking English and Mandarin, improving my language skills on CH. I also enjoy sharing my thoughts in Cantonese in a relaxing but meaningful way. 一個愛寫作、愛學習、愛認識朋友的家庭主婦,雖然沒有工作,但生活仍然精彩!曾經就讀香港中文大學中文系,最愛文學創作。一直追求天然的美、健康的瘦、開懷的笑、純真而堅定的心。 FB Page: 石玲瓏-西雅圖教養與生活探索 FB Group: Mirror北美鏡粉交流站