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🌸🎀💖 Avant-Garde Black Female Tattoo therapist + Life Coach On A Mission to Transform Lives Because there's absolutely nothing stopping you from reaching out and creating the bankable lifestyle you’ve always had in mind - Well, except you, that is ... 👀 Fux with me to 🌸Shift Your Mindset. 🎀Build Your Brand's Success. 💖Create Your Bankable Lifestyle. Meet me on the INK & RELEASE TOUR - Click thru to learn more. Or have me in your room to talk: ✨Tattoo Therapy + Black Tattoo Culture ✨Personal Branding & User Experience ✨Personal Development ✨Guided Self-Exploration Vibe & Visualization Journeys ✨Operating With Neurodivergency - Self-Imange + Entrepreneurship 💅🏾I’m an IRL HARAJUKU BARBIE ABOUT THIS ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE … for wellness tho! Let’s get to know each other a lil’ better ~ Click thru to join me on my tattoo x book tour - INK & RELEASE @ Or simply click thru ^.^ I’m rooting for you! Gambatte, Ne ~ 🌸🎀💖 ⤵️