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Infinite Pursuit




I’ve been thinking about “the infinite pursuit” for 2-3 years now. It started out as a potential name of a podcast I was talking about doing with a friend. The podcast did not get off the ground but the idea kept expanding in my mind and becoming much more than a podcast - in my mind at least. I have a lot of notes and thoughts but I am still trying to figure out “how to launch”. The idea is simple enough though - inspire humanity, save humanity, explore and pursue the potential of humanity; and ourselves and those we love.  Striving for peace and prosperity for all humans, to pro-actively avoid controversy and combativeness. Note that I am not trying to avoid friction or thoughtful challenging of ideas. Friction creates fire, it is up to us to harness it. Challenges refine our beliefs, if we let them. Let’s do our best to let the best thoughts and ideas win the day AND then see how those ideas can be IMPLEMENTED in the real world. Striving to purposefully encourage and embrace "solid growth", be it fast or slow. While there are many forms of value in the world, currency is just one, the most “value potential”, very simply, is in people.   We are all equal in our infinite ignorance. Only together can we have knowledge.   I'd like to reach out to people who have made an impression on me as a principled person, with a unique talent or interest or passion, and a compassionate drive to communicate with others. I believe in myself but I don’t seek personal attention. There is so much talent and energy in the world and I would rather help spotlight, vet, organize and harness that in others than seek recognition for myself. I also think many together can be so much more effective and eloquent than me alone.    Next steps if this resonates and you would like to consider joining/contributing in some way: 1. Reach out via IG linked here with thoughts or ideas and a time (or times) in the next few weeks that work for a follow up call. 2. Once we have a call, I’ll share the “working organizer” (bio pic) and we can begin sharing and working together in whatever form and fashion makes sense.    “Learn, teach, learn” "Yes before no" "The smallest minority is the individual" Are we living during an age of abundance? How can we solve the biggest issues humanity faces? What specifically are those issues? How can we address the challenge of selfishness and self-interest as we go? Brian The Infinite Pursuit - Caretaker
