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India West




Hi, my name is India. I lost my vision at four due to a brain tumor. After my first brain surgery at the For, I went completely blind. Been through two brain surgeries at the age of four and then again when I was six years old. Since that Period of time in my life. I have some remaining vision now. But I now also live every day with arthritis in both of my knees and have been living with it since I was little. A cat mom before. I am a author and I really love to listen to music and make art. Don’t sing me out Engaging in the conversation here on this app. I may talk a lot, but it’s not my intention to pick up conversations. I have a lot of things I can talk about anytime. Treat me with respect an I will do the same. Also trying to get more people to follow my store on Etsy. Please feel free to share my link in my bio. . s