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Ilana Newman MD




Cancer Symptom Specialist/Palliative Medicine Physician/Medical Acupuncture/Adolescent Medicine 📚Author of Take Pain Control Into Your Own Hands and Teen Doc Tells All (on Amazon and 📚Working on a book for cancer patients with all the stuff palliative medicine physicians know about difficult to manage symptoms from cancer, chemo, or radiation therapy (that most oncologists DON’T know) 📚Self-publishing advisor to other physicians ( 🎶 I worked at MTV before medical school (when they ruled the music business) ⚕️🩺💊👩‍⚕️ Medical Media Experience: 📺CBS Evening News NYC medical news intern (med school elective) 📻Loveline at KROQ in LA (med school elective) 📺WNBC NYC medical news intern (residency elective) 📡Oxygen Live NYC health segment creator/on camera expert (during fellowship) 📖Twist Magazine Sex & Body monthly columnist x 6 years (started during fellowship) 👩‍💻World Medical News/World Medical Leaders, Inc (creator and health writer/reporter of an online streaming video daily medical news show for physicians) 🇰🇷✋Check out my half day workshops on Korean Hand Therapy for pain self treatment at the University of Miami with CE credits for healthcare professionals (and once a year it is CME accredited for physicians too) 👂📍I also co-teach the Auricular Acupuncture course for physicians at the University of Miami