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Iffat Rose Gill




✨Founder of Digital Starling-an AI enabled talent marketplace 🙌 Gender Equality leader 👩🏾‍💻 Woman in AI #womenintech ♟Digital Strategist 💿Social Innovator 💿Digital skills advocate - gender digital divide - Emerging tech skills 🧠 AI enthusiast ☀️ Aspiring morning person ☕️Dedicated Desi Chai advocate 💎 Founder - Code To Change; a Netherlands based diversity nonprofit to upskill and reskill underrepresented groups in the tech sector 🤖 Running a digital skills academy in Pakistan 🎖UNESCO Prize nominee (for girls and women’s digital education) 💊Degree in Pharmacy 🎧 Host & Part-time DJ on ‘Punjabi Vibes’ Club on Clubhouse