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Sarah Cousins


💥 Creator of The Ideas Code 💡 Helping divergent-thinking creatives make their ideas profitable + irresistible 💰 Join the Ideas Rich List  ( for more I believe one powerful idea can change your world, last a lifetime or even create a legacy. _________________________ ✪ Watch THE RISE OF THE DIGITAL CEO here ➟ ✪ Jump on the WAITLIST here ➟ ✪ YOUR FIRST 100 LEADS (Free course) ➟ ✪ Get 128 UNIQUE NICHES GUIDE here ➟ _________________________ PEOPLE ARE TALKING … ❝ Sarah came up with some great ideas for us to try and we are excited to start working on them. ❞ Kay ❝ One of Sarah’s ideas resulted in a boost of sales of over £4,000 within three months. ❞ Stephen ❝ Sarah is truly professional and client focused. ❞ Richard ❝ I have gained more clarity on my idea.  I am also thinking broader and tuning in more to the impact on the World that I want to have with my idea. ❞ Jyll ❝ I want to thank you for helping me stick to a plan for promoting my business.  So much better than the old splatter-gun technique I previously favoured.  And it’s got me business. ❞ Sarah ❝ A wealth of comprehensive knowledge and advice. ❞ Louis ❝ My motivation sparked from the ideas… Sarah’s insight is a very valuable tool. ❞ Aaron _________________________ ABOUT ME… I help divergent-thinking online creatives make their ideas profitable and irresistible.  My background is in strategic marketing, PR social media and project management and my future is in ideas.  I’m professionally qualified with the Chartered Institute of Marketing, holding a postgraduate diploma in strategic marketing.  After working for the BBC I spent a lot of time in the education sector.  I’ve flirted with freelance work and consultancy but the big thing I’ve noticed is that people want practical results, ridiculously fast. 💡 Ideas Girl and course creator 🎯 Marketing strategist, BBC + CIM trained 📚 Notebook hoarder, cacao lover, introvert in disguise 🎓 Former Head of Marketing (Education) _________________________ FIND ME ➟ ➟ _________________________ TOPICS ✪ Business By Design ✪ Everything ideas ✪ Marketing strategy ✪ Marketing rebellions ✪ Refining genius (especially for course creators)