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Ida Dahl




Educator 🧩 Entrepreneur 🦾 EdTech 🧑🏽‍💻 🚀 New free planner for teachers out soon! Sign up for early access, link in IG-bio ♥️ 👾 Currently building Neddy - an AI-driven learning assistant💡 Every child should get the chance to reach their true potential. Tech can help make this happen. 🚀 🍎 Co-creator of a free community for teachers to share their work 👉🏽 📯 Board member and project facilitator at På 🦸🏽‍♂️ Fasilitator and Admin of several big Facebook communities with 60 000+ og 30 000 members 📱Worked closely with 60+ municipalities on their journey to implement digital tools in the classroom Here to learn new things and add value where I can. Let’s talk! 📍 Norway ✉️ [email protected] Or just DM me 👇🏽