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🔮🪄✨️🌱 🌹Life Student Naturopath🌹 ☀️🌊🌬🍃🦋💫 "Gratitude" "Eat in Season" "Not A Vegan... Just Eat Like One!" "Take The Time to Take The Time" "Truth Isn't Always Beautiful, but The Hunger For It Is" "If You Don't Value Your Time, No One Else Will" "It Is Not Happy People Who Are Thankful, It Is Thankful People Who Are Happy" #Affirmations "Conversations Be Like..." #WellBeing #Essentials #EverythingFromScratch #Counsel #Service #WildFlowers #ProperTea #Kalimbas #KambutoGo #Bowls #IAm "To resurrect, restore, revive; Por Amor, vigor & vitality" 💸🌱 $SoleVitae Accepting & Expressing Gratitude Gamma 30-100 Hz 🧠 432Hz 🌌 528Hz 🧬 741Hz 🧹 888Hz, 88Hz, 8Hz ♾️ 963Hz ✨️ ~Instrumentals Only~ 📧[email protected]