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Terrell Jones




How I made $150k day trading without using my own money: 1. Took a $300k loan from parents. 2. Split the portfolio between 60% high risk stocks and 40% in crypto. 3. Lost half, got scared, decided to cash out 4. Blocked my parents numbers. 5. Net Profit $150k I do work for Hindsight Financial. Any financial advise given is 10 years old. So in hindsight, the financial advise given would only be valid if you have access to a time machine, a unicorn and some original hostess twinkies. You nosey ain’t it mane? You looking witcha lookin ass!!! πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ My interests are dividends πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ Pronouns: Ayy Mane / Say Mane I love playing connect the dots, tic-tac-toe, spades and dominoes. Don’t come for me unless I send for you because I have bigger fish to fry. 🏚 South Memphis ✊🏿 Pro-Black πŸŽ– USMC Vet πŸ‘• @theHOODrep πŸ’ @Know.Definition πŸ’« Power napper πŸ—£ I sing off-key Places you can stay for free: -In yo lane -Outta my business πŸ—£ Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance Follow me on Fanbase: @iammedatsu