Abheejit K.
🏁 Skipped the 🐀 race 🧭 Traveller. Explorer. 50+ cities. 8 countries. ♻️ Change Catalyst. Entrepreneur. 😈 They call me Batman. 🙏 Sinner. Saved. Believer. ♾️ Polyamorous 🧩Driving Impact @ vruksh.org enabling local entrepreneurs. 📖Building ekatra.one - accessibile and quality education for all. 🤠 Startup Scout @ 100x.VC 🌏Impact Officer @ WEF’s Global Shapers Nagpur Hub 👨🏫Pursuing PhD in Mechanical Engineering Ⓜ️ Follow Misfits Global Community if you're a Change Maker, Social Entrepreneur, or Non-profit Founder. Reach out on abheejit.com DMs Open! 👇