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Hollis Citron




Creativity Doula 💥 Podcaster 💫 Publishing House for Multi Author & Solo Books 🌸 TV Show Host ❤️ I am passionate about helping people of all ages and abilities to get in touch with their creative side and realize how much their life will change because of it. 💥 My journey started when I went to art school and then got my master's in art education. With the title of " Artist", I had struggled to make the time for myself, to believe that I have a voice worth hearing and to feel disconnected from my true purpose. 🌈 I am here to help turn the light on for others as I have found it within myself. 🍭 The education world is a familiar one. I have taught in various settings from shelters to public schools to ages 2- Adult in both general and special education for the past 20 plus years. Workshops both online and in-person are led by myself and others that are experienced in the field or creative outlet. I do not claim to be an expert in all of these fields so I bring on those who have a lot of experience and qualifications to share the knowledge and get you excited! Explore Possibilities… Express Self...Expand Thinking We also do this by using 🌈 Art/Experiential kits ⭐️ Zoom led interactive lessons 💫 Coaching 🎉 Podcast 💥 TV Show ⭐️ Expressing yourself in a multi author or solo book Adults I am talking to you.. this is not just for kids! As adults we tend to get caught up in “adulting” and neglect ourselves. Tapping into your talents and interests and giving yourself permission is a game changer. Check out my experiential/art kits, teaching online & coaching @ Want to be a guest in my podcast reach out to [email protected] Don’t be afraid to make mistakes because you will make them 👍