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Hiawatha Henry




Scorpio Season. Birthday Nov 2nd! Filmmaker, Writer, Associate Producer. CEO of Hicajoke Productions. Chair of the 18th Congressional District Hero Awards for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Club Cookout Goals You don’t have to tear people down in order to build them up. My advice to any club on here in which artists are asking for their music to be critiqued, be constructive in your criticism. A simple I see where you are going with that Let me help you etc. or if you not feeling it, a simple You know what UPS is hiring. Leave the toxicity in the past. My two cents, spend it how you wish. I am a black woman who loves to write. I curse a lot but I am working on it. I genuinely don’t care what anyone thinks or say about me, you want my life then pay my bills. When someone talks about you behind your back, their lips are closer to your ass. Play wit yo mammy, not me. Two projects to pitch. A show about homelessness. 2nd Pilot The Black Unit which is Law Order SVU meets Cold case meets Miami Vice. Mother Firm believer of GOD. Pray with me, but don’t play with me. When you enter someone’s life leave a mark, not a scar. If You hear me say “You got me f*cked up to the highest level of Fucktivity” then we gotta problem I LOVE to laugh. IMDb: Hiawatha Henry Associate Producer -5th Ward Tv Show. Entertainment Taskforce Houston. One of the goals is to bring Major film productions to Houston. I am resourceful and kinda long winded. I am an Advocate for those experiencing homelessness. The homeless are not fucking human raccoons. Don’t buy them food and get mad when they don’t eat it. They have food allergies too. I also work with local politicians and celebrities to make things happen in my community. I’m the background person. Venmo @Hiawatha-H CashApp $BirthdayScorpio2