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Helen Garlick




Courage-builder. Author ✍️ No Place to Lie about family secrets and suicide. 📚 YT 🎤Hello! It’s Better to Talk 🎤 ✨There is alchemy, pure gold, healing in communication and connection. ✨ 35 years family lawyer, collaborative lawyer and mediator and ✨🕯Trainer🕯✨ in UK and 🌍 Lead trainer for Resolution 2005-2020 - headed up ADR Training: spearheaded Collaborative Practice Training. 🎤Speaker🎤 Writer. Catch me in Newsweek (5 March 2021) Prima UK (March 2021) No Place to Lie no 1 on new kindle releases in grief and bereavement 6th March 2021. Available @ Amazon and all great bookstores in paperback, kindle and audiobook. No Place to Lie: Secrets Unlocked, a Promise Kept We live in a divided world, disconnected from the planet on which we live and breathe and from each other. To find our way back to each other, to connect, we need to have the bravery and courage to be vulnerable, in a safe setting, and tell our stories. It’s better to talk, from our hearts and souls, to discover our true joy in life.