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Sarah Fey




My interests are NFT’s, Web3, Health and Fitness, Parkour/Organic Movement, Massage Therapy, Thai Massage, Yoga, and using Social Media to market my brand, have fun, make connections, friendships, business leads, and learn new things. Teach me and please follow me. I am eager to learn and share knowledge! 💠NFT’s 🌍Web3 🧳SarahFey🎋 ☯️Healing Work 👩‍👧‍👦Family First 🐾 NFT Communities I am a part of : 🐰BTFDRabbits🐰 💧Wedripz💧 🐨DryKoalas🐨 🐀FatRatMafia🐀 🦧Apocalyptic Ape Queens🦧 🏴‍☠️Expert Advice Show🏴‍☠️