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Iva Martenez




I am a MOTHER, a SURVIVOR, an INNOVATOR, and a CREATIVE FORCE. When life gives me lemons 🍋 I make LEMONADE! Hayli’s Lemonade, to be exact. I want to inspire and help single parents who want the best for their children. I want to be a beacon of hope for communities that often get overlooked. I have come a long way, and have a long way yet to go.  My daughter is an Illnois state law! (Google it - Hayli’s Law). The goal is to keep what was passed down to me and use this blessing to build up the community, rehab lost souls, set up business, and establish multiple businesses for myself and my family. I made something out of nothing and with God’s help and the right team of talented individuals, you will see me, hear me, and respect me! There are more great things to come and I have a story to tell. I hope to EMPOWER, EDUCATE, and ENCOURAGE women who have gone through similar experiences like me. For public appearances and bookings contact my publicist @thatgotoguy