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Carly Stasko




Imagitator (who agitates imagination). Working, educating and creating for the sake of connection, wellness, equity, diversity, sustainability and hopeful futures. I’m a creator, educator, healer and loving parent who left the city a year ago to live in the woods with my husband and young sons during the pandemic. I’ve been written about, featured in documentaries, and hired as a speaker and facilitator for my work as a social innovator, media creator and holistic educator. Freelance television and radio producer at the Canadian Broadcast Corporation. Spent the last decade as a mentor at the University of Toronto’s Integrated Learning and Community Engagement Program. I founded and implemented the award winning Dream Job Academy at the University of Toronto. I founded, hired, trained and supported a team of student podcasters called the Storyweavers as part of Canada150. Since the pandemic I am helping my kids with virtual school, dancing outside everyday, communing with nature, creating lots of content on TikTok, and facilitating online workshops. People enjoy my friendship and public speaking because I am loving, authentic, smart, curious, creative, courageous and playful. I help people feel safe, supported, inspired, interested, relaxed and joyful. I think we can laugh, create, think and love deeply while still being radical forces for change and justice - each in our own unique but ultimately interconnected way. I’m new here and excited about possibilities for creative collaborations for positive social change. Fierce Light I dance outside everyday. Join the vibe on tik tok. TikTok: @hartsage