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Greg Dember




I write about metamodernism! My nutshell definition of metamodernism: An aesthetic sensibility, arising circa 2000 and continuing today, found across the arts and popular culture, that protects the significance of INTERIORITY and FELT EXPERIENCE against the reductionism of modernism, the relativism of postmodernism and the ontological inertia of tradition. Metamodern artworks and cultural products are often said to “oscillate” between modernist/postmodern dualities such as earnestness/irony, enthusiasm/skepticism, Universality/relativism, unification/fragmentation, etc/etc _________ But I’m interested in most people/places/things. And I’m a musician & songwriter. Seattle Yale grad Middle-vert / Ambivert Vegetarian / animal rights Psychology background Leftish/agnostic but loves good faith discussions with others who think differently. I earn my living programming computers, but I have little desire to talk about it. 🇺🇸 ____________ Still looking for that corner of Clubhouse that chats intelligently and emotionally about cool film, television, music, literature and art!