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Grace Googh




🇺🇦Слава Україні, Героям Слава🇺🇦 ➖➖➖➖🕊️➖➖➖➖ I grow as I go. Joined CH in April 2021. I was presented with several exiting opportunities, and had the flux to become a moderater fairly soon in four different rooms, The rooms are 1. One Thing, 2. Bread For The Head, (by Mark Sephton)& 3. Topicality, and 4. Being A Good Human (by Trevor Clark) 🚀 I took a conscious decision to get off the app December 2021, and have only occasionally been on since then. Let’s say I’ve conflicting feelings about the app. If anyone is interested in knowing why, please ask. • I write essays and poems. My poems originates from my emotions, but the finished poem, aren’t necessarily anchored in any true events. My essays are about current- and historical events. • I’ve a huge interest in history and in Eastern European history in particular . • The capacity of our brain is almost incomprehensible, after I’d a stroke in my Cerebellum during surgery, and a couple of years later I was diagnosed with Adhd as an adult, my interest in the human brain peaked. • I love books, especially biographies, I need to get a copy of Mike Rinder’s new book “A Billion Years” - release date September/October 2022. I find watching musicals, and a ballet performance very “soul expanding”. University(education): 1.Political Science 2.Sociology - class, gender and ethnicity. 3.Environmental science 4. History 5.Nursing school I was in a severe work accident 2012, it was, still is a terrible experience. I can’t change what is, but I know I want to Live, not Only Exist! It took me years to reinvent, and create different, manageable expectations that makes me want to wake up every day! There’s a solution to everything. My best characteristic is my ability to stay grounded, & feel confident that I’ll always land on my feet. ➖➖🩰➖➖ 🤍THIS TOO SHALL PASS🤍