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How U doing, I prepare U 2 C God. Did not C, do not know. Jesus Is God I'm the Messiah. Messiah means anointed by God. Be careful I Permanently Block Trolls & Narcissists. I saw God in California in 1985, wrote the Gospel of Timothy & when they told me nobody could see God, I started Timothean religion. Go to my site to find my book on Amazon I'm sorry http browser would give a virus message, because I did not pay the https Mafia. AngelFire Pays the Mafia tribute with ads. Lol God is bigger then Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism & all books in the Library of Congress. They try to fit God into one book. How can they know all about God, from one book? Don't be fooled. If they haven't seen God, they don't know God. You can't know God by Reading all the books in the world. Seeing is knowing. My Chat Room; "Timothean Religion" 8 P.M. E.S.T. Sundays Beliefs; Practice of medicine is not an exact science. Dr.'s only have opinions. Everyone has a right to their opinion. My opinions are based on my experience, common sense, inspiration from God & holy books. I don't argue or debate with anyone. I simply State my opinions, accept them or not. My opinion is that the Earth is round. My opinion is based on flying around Earth in an airplane. If you believe Earth is flat, it's because you have sources that tell you so. He who is of God, hears God's words. This is my source. Everyone lives in their own world, but my source tells me to overcome the world. If you believe in abortion, gun ownership, or fornication, please don't follow me. There is no love, in a person who owns a Lethal Weapon or doesn't want to see God. I'm looking for others who want to see God & blocking those who don't. Try them to see if they are of God. Ask them if they want to see God, believe in abortion, gun ownership or fornication. Then you will know the difference between the righteous & the wicked. I obey the Ten Commandments. Serpentarius Text +15862765558