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Freedom Kweh Chun Yee




ENFP- T 我是🇲🇾人 (I am Malaysian, proud to be Malaysian) 热爱 🚗驾车,🍜美食,研究历史📖, 交流聊天。( I love to drive search for delicious food, history and love to chat) 10 年的寿险业务经验,目前是一个全职的财务规划师。(I am life insurance advisor and service for insurance career for 10 years) 爱生活,爱交流,成为大家风雨同路的好朋友。(I love my life, social and wish to become good friend for everyone) 我热爱参与演说,现在是Serdang Mandarin Toastmasters Club 的会员,曾经也参加过一些public speaking 的比赛, 我们在当中可以在这块互相交流。( I love and enjoy public speaking besides that participate in Serdang Mandarin Toastmasters Club and ever participate in many speech competition, I am happy to have sharing engagement about public speaking) 开过的聊天室 (Room open in clubhouse) 1) Toastmaster Speaker is born or made (演说者到底是天生的还是可以被训练出来的?) Facebook ID:Freedom Kweh