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Fran Pedron




Your Power is within you. Your Authenticity is your key. Release your Magic! The same path you traveled to get you here -will only serve you if you choose to stay in the same place. Your uniqueness is your gift to the world. Only you can light the torch of infinity. Mission: help you live your BEST life -24/7–365 ...and that’s living life on your terms, no questions asked. Goal: help you discover your innate authentic self, release glass ceiling limits and create success strategies to unlock hidden potential. Outcome results: You live your unlimited possibilities. Business owner & Founder: Fran Pedron & Company, Coaching & Consulting. M.A., B.S.B.A., CSC, ThetaHealing & Spiritual Coaching certifications Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine Corporate Experience: Communications, Technology, Insurance, Accounting [email protected]