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Joseph Flaherty




📝 Content & Community at Founder Collective, the most aligned seed-stage venture capital fund for founders at the seed stage. Formerly, staff writer at Wired. Portfolio includes: 🚖 Uber 💻 Airtable 🏁 Cruise ⚙️ Desktop Metal ⌚️ Whoop 💊 Pillpack 🏈 SeatGeek 🇰🇷 Coupang 👋 The Trade Desk 🦪 Running Tide 🪙 Ampleforth 💰 Cashdrop ⌨️ Codecademy ⚡️ Drift 🐶 Embark 🔥 Firebase 🛏 HotelTonight 🎹 JoyTunes ⚛️ Ionic 🟧 Formlabs 🩸 Levels 👶 Lovevery 🏛 OpenGov 🌐 NS1 🖌 SkillShare Full portfolio here: