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Russell Hill




Servant leader, Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Student of Sales and Technology. Co-Founder/Managing Partner FixedOPS Marketing. Revolutionizing Fixed Operations on Dealers Websites in 2021. Entrepreneur; Start Ups, Technology, Automotive, Owner, Operator, Co-Founder. Military Veteran, Army. I live in Sherman, Texas. Personal Highlights. Husband to an amazing wife, Father to 3 amazing humans and 4 grandkids who totally have my heart. I'm referred to as papa. Outside interests include music, reading, mission work, Technology and most important spending time with the entire family on the weekends cooking, swimming etc.. Side passions consist of working with people with drug and alcohol challenges as well as relationship and financial coaching. Started selling cars in 1985, worked my way up to running stores until January 2020 then entered the vendor space as a vendor with Car Research that became a large CRM exclusively built for automotive space. Managing Partner with Car Research for 11 years. Managing Partner RnD Interactive. 9.5 years. Websites, PPC, Email Marketing. [email protected] (903) 819-5253
