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Joi Renee




📚 Educator with 25 years experience ♥️ Adoptee & Survivor Team Coordinator ✍🏽 Author sharing my adoption journey ΔΣΘ (Delta Author Vol. 5) ⭕️ Adoption Advocate I am an experienced educator, a passionate adoption advocate, author, and patron of the arts. After going through my own struggles as an adoptee, I wrote my memoir, Finding Joi: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Love. I share my story so that I can help others who sit in silence about their struggles, and I continue to find ways to be open about adoption, not only with adults but to start the conversation with young people, too. THE STORY UNFOLDS ⚖️ January. I attended a legislation celebration, opening previously sealed birth records for adult adoptees… 🤰🏽February. Met my birth mother after she gave her testimony of my existence... 🙎🏽‍♂️ March. Met my birth father at my adopted father’s home ... 🎶 March. ALL my parents attended a Rock & Roll Soul Review where I performed I share this journey to help everyone understand how they can help; 💔 heal hearts, 🌁 bridge gaps, 🗣 share resources, and ✏️ erase adoption shame by engaging in conversation. Someone in your circle ⭕️ needs to hear this story. Someone in your ⭕️ is silently suffering. Someone in your ⭕️ wants to adopt but doesn’t know where to start. 🎙 I found joy in my journey, I know counseling isn’t “just for crazy people”, I no longer wear a mask in a relationship, I want everyone to understand adoptees challenges and know talking about it is a big part of the healing journey. Let’s connect. 👩🏽‍💻 📖 My memoir - Finding Joi: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Love is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Follett(Titlewave). Children’s adoption themed books Choosing Joi and Singing with Joi are available on Amazon … to introduce young people to adoption sensitive vocabulary. DM me to guest on a podcast, connect or collaborate 👇🏽