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Fabienne Raphael




🤾🏾‍♀️🇨🇦As a former Team Canada Handball player, I knows first hand how devastated and lost athletes feel after they leave their sport, whatever their reason is. 💕There is grief, because that adrenaline rush that one feels after a win, a personal record or a major event might never come back... but it's definitely possible to still find purpose, get the spark back differently and have a long lasting impact on other people's lives. 🙌🏾I am the creator of the DREAM Method and help former pro/elite athletes monetize their expertise and leverage their sports career into a successful coaching business. 🎤My background in radio and television hosting led me to be featured on top ranked global podcasts, which I use to help my clients get more visibility. ​I have been featured in Forbes, ABC, FOX, CBS, Inc. and Huffington Post and have appeared on over 40 mastermind groups/summits/podcasts, such as Entrepreneur on Fire. ❤️Oh. And I am also a boys’ mom, love almond cake and long walks along the river.