Erin White
A leader and entrepreneur who is serious about authentic leadership, executable strategy and the inclusion of Global Majority genius everywhere. I help Global Majority professionals who are in unfulfilled careers create careers & businesses they ❤️ 🏡 Club “COMING SOON!”: REBUILD Your Personal Power - Where Global Majority professionals come to learn, grow and develop ourselves to get our individual and workplace power back. Where our allies come to develop, grow and learn how to actively and meaningfully support diversity of the business & career landscape. 🖥 Creator: REBUILD Your Personal Power Course Founder: Hexagon Strategy Group | 💻 Faith walker, sometimes faith stumbler, but always get back upperer! ♥️💙 Proud Bison 🦬 Howard University 🖤💛 Proud Commodore. Vanderbilt University ⚓️ BALTIMORE | DC | BROOKLYN | JOHANNESBURG | NASHVILLE | PHILLY | (Currently) ATL