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Shirese Louie




Creative Writer | Urban Planner | Family Historian |Genetic Genealogy Enthusiast | Policy Advocate | Music Enthusiast | Urbanist | Historic Preservationist All, I rarely come here anymore but have started started a genetic genealogy community (which is an invite only club) on Twitter. I would love for some genealogy enthusiasts to join me over there. 📍I am a proud Chicago native, but I do not currently live there. 🎓 ✍️📚Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature with an emphasis in Creative Writing 🎓 🌃 Master’s Degree in Urban Planning and Public Policy 🌳 🧬 Family historian and amateur genetic genealogist ✍️📚 Storyteller, writer, and reader 🎼🎸 Lover of music 👩🏾‍🦱 Natural hair advocate 🙈🧐🦄⚖️🧩 Introverted, inquisitive, quirky, social justice warrior and an enigma 🟣 Twitter Spaces host/user (use that platform more than this one) 📧 [email protected] I am an artist at heart and have been writing ✍️ short stories, poetry, and avidly reading 📚 since I was three. I am currently working on a few novels. I also am a (less than mediocre) self-taught 🎼guitarist, cellist, saxophonist, and drummer. Music and writing are constantly competing as my first loves. I love most music genres but melt for a good guitar riff. My love for cities🌉, how they work, and who they work for is also a passion. I work as a regional planner in central Virginia. I ❤️ cities—a true urbanist—and would love to work on urban area neighborhood revitalization. There is also a special place in my heart for preserving what makes sense as long as it is not to the detriment of the overall good. And just as music and writing are competing as my first love, urban planning and genealogy are competing as my second loves. I am an avid family historian 🌳. In 2001 I started researching my family and in 2008 I added genetic genealogy 🧬 to my toolbox and never looked back. I have tested (along with 10 close family members) at 23andMe, AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), and MyHeritageDNA. Lastly, I am a quirky introvert who is a bit macabre, passionate about social justice (and I do not shy away from the social justice warrior moniker) and believe in equity ⚖️, am liberal, agnostic, and an enigma. Although I think the Hamilton musical 🎶 is a masterpiece, I am an Alexander Hamilton (the man) stan and was one way before the musical. ✍️📚🎼🎸🌃🏛🧬🌳⚖️🦄🧐🧩 I am not too active on other social media platforms but am on Twitter and Twitter Spaces 🟣 and can also be reached at 📧[email protected].