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Emma Ross




šŸ’« Lover of Life (And all the adventures and opportunities it brings my way šŸ˜) šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æ Born and bred in Scotland šŸ“š Tiny Habits Coach (In Training) šŸ§˜šŸ» Yoga Sports & Movement Coach (Hot, Vinyasa Flow, Yin, Yoga Sports Science trained - classes and workshops online) šŸ‰ Ex-Elite Touch Rugby Player (A lot of mindset work right there šŸ™Œ Bodyworker (Bowen, EMMETT, Myo Fascial, Theta, and much more.... always aware that we are unique and need to be treated that way) šŸ¶ Canine Therapy Instructor šŸ’§ Co-Owner of Wellness & Floatation space šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» Corporate well-being talks and workshop training (Stress, Energy Levels, and Emotional Fitness being my 3 favourite areas to educate around) Following sports injuries and burn out..... I got curious and wanted to know why..... Took the plunge and moved from the corporate world of oil and gas into the well-being world. Turning my hobbies into my passion/career šŸ˜