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Dr. Rebecca Warren




🧬 Functional Wellness Practitioner & DC Specializing in women’s sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and healing after thyroidectomy. Tools: ▪️Detoxification ▪️Gut Microbiome ▪️Hormone Labwork & Dutch Testing ▪️Functional Nutritional ▪️Ancestral tools for modern bio hacking 👇🏾Ways to connect or work with me 👇🏾 🩸 Free Optimal Thyroid Labs, before you can start to heal your thyroid make sure you have the *right* tests: 💻 Looking to HEAL after thyroidectomy? Join my free FB group: Healing After Thyroidectomy 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 🦋 15 years post thyroidectomy & thyroid cancer. 🥑10 years personally cycling ketosis, and fasting. 🔥 My passion is to help women feel, function, and heal the way they were created to. There is always hope to to get better and live the life you were intended to. 🔑 I use the same biohacking, clinical, and research based techniques that I’ve utilized and studied for over a decade and a half to help women achieve their health goals from a whole body approach. 🌱 All things wholistic & ancestral. 🔅 7 years of a beautiful & busy clinic in Chattanooga, TN with virtual health coaching all over the US. 📱Facebook: Dr. Rebecca Warren & Drs.Warren 🎙Podcast Coming Soon: The Thyroidless Life 🔺The information I share is for educational purposes only. It is not mean to diagnose or treat any symptom or condition. And is not intended as medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes.