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Dr. Natasha Jones




Natasha “Prophetess-Psalmist Jones” known as THE KINGDOM INTERNATIONAL CONNECTOR, "THE ADRENALINE QUEEN" & INTERNATIONAL THE HUMANITARIAN DIAMOND CUTTER is an International Transformational Empowerment Speaker and is the Visionary Founder of KWC Financial Enterprises, Kingdom Building Favor Ministries and Kingdom Purpose Talk Show where she has interviewed global celebrities as well inspirational leaders all across the globe. She is the CEO & Visionary Founder Graphics Design Director/Learning & Development Specialist, Event Planner & Self-Discovery and Master Relationship Specialist. She is the Visionary of Kingdom Attitude Elitte Wear, Kingdom Femininity Rocks 100 and Work the Runway Mentorship & Fashion Expo. She is an amazon 5x best selling author and Visionary Mentor of the The Gen-Z Project Impact Movement and Founder of the KPT Global Magazine. She is the award winning speaker and recipient of the "You Are The Love Award" at the international conference in Canada, "The Most Outstanding Mompreneur Award" at the international conference in Barbados, "The How To Protect Yourself from Stress Award & Speaker", "The International Women's Day Award & Speaker" , "The Food Quality & Control Award & Speaker" and the "Golden Educator Award" internationally by the Macedonian Association, Doza Sreja International Macedonia. She has been featured in the "IP Resilience Magazine, the "LMA Magazine with LMA Brand Ambassador Dr. Delmar- Dominique Peterson, The Ilona T.V. Show internationally, the Women & Children Conference Speaker for human trafficking at "The Safe House" in Lahore, Pakistan and speaker at "The Royal Women Prayer Group International Conference" in Nigeria just to name a few. Her Purpose: Is to impact you and compel you to become legendary in your God given purpose, authority and identity unapologetically...No longer can we apologize for who we are, whose we are and what we are called to BE-COME on purpose.