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Dr. Tiffanie Jeter




🦷 Cosmetic Dentist (Veneers, Teeth Whitening, Clear Aligners, Tooth Colored Restorations) 💋💉Cosmetic Injector (Botox, Lip Fillers, Lipotropic Injections) 🏆Incisal Edge 2020 Top 40 under 40 Dentist Owner of Definition Dental and Wellness Spa in the Nashville area where we give you an experience like none other! Serenity Room, hot towel treatment, massage chair, noise cancelling headphones, and a comfy blanket. You will understand your treatment options and partner in your oral and general wellness! Concierge and private events available for cosmetic injectables, teeth whitening, and body contouring to help you with your selfcare and confidence! Text “BOOK” to 615-429-9583. Promoter of overall well being, self care, and confidence! Virtual Cosmetic Consultations: 🗣 Book Dr. GJ for speaking engagements as well as live and podcast interviews. Want to connect more? Click on my bio or DM me.