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Drew Eldridge




Muscular Dystrophy survivor with a mild case of cerebral palsy on my right side, I am also epileptic with grandmas seizures which thankfully are well handled(I’ve been episode free for over twenty years. This I explain to good Doctors who managed my meds well and my own use of herbal medicine if you will.) I’m at the point in life though now where I’m needing more comprehensive help and am going to be moving into a Residential Care Facility, that at it’s max capacity will house me and 5 others. But next week when I move in it will just be me and two women so far. I’ve begun to deal with more chronic pain, both in my muscles and in my nerves so I’m trying to adapt but the provider here at the rehab facility I am currently residing at sought out to convince another nurse practitioner at the pain management clinic as my doctor was out on maternity leave she made me see her. But she didn’t give an unbiased assessment and she herself never listened to me nor did the NP in the clinic. She simply ran some CDC mathematics equation and determined I was receiving too many opioids. Had either been a doctor they would have violated their oath of do no harm but they are simple nurse practitioners that don’t have to keep any sort of oath…I am now in more pain after they took away my tramadol and lowered my fentanyl. I know opioids are nothing to play around with but the took me off cold Turkey so I went into withdrawal and the didn’t provide any alternatives to relieve my pain. This is one of the reasons our medical system is messed up, having unqualified people make decisions they aren’t qualified to make, now a doctor is going to have to readdress the same issue and find some sort of solution.