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V. Taybron




Creator of #BlackOwned + Energy’s Mommy + Dreamer This all started by accident really… Circa 2013 my rent was late, the electricity got turned off, and my car was about 48 hours from repossession. Feeling like a loser I thought to myself, “I’m a smart woman with a college degree and I can’t even take care of myself.” How did I end up here? After sitting in the dark reading books by candlelight in my cold apartment I had an idea. “Maybe I can sell bagged cookies on the street…” I literally laughed out loud at the idea but it also wouldn’t leave my head. I asked a good friend if I could use her kitchen while she was at work. After letting myself in with her spare key I helped myself to her kitchen ingredients and made a Snickerdoodle cookie. Taking my last $10 to the baking section of Walmart I bought cookie bags and labels. Looking like an overgrown girl scout I went door to door in Atlanta, Georgia selling bagged cookies. I sold them at hair salons, barbershops, grocery store parking lots, and anywhere I could find people. After getting chased out of Lenox Mall by security for selling cookies to their shoppers I counted all of my change and realized that I had $200. I’m sure I had more but I lost a few coins while running from mall security. In a matter of hours, I had made enough money to get my electricity turned back on. The rest is pretty much history. As you have probably guessed by now, I have been in the kitchen ever since. On June 5, 2013, I purchased my domain name and started shipping desserts online. Did I mention that we have a one-year-old daughter? Her name is Energy Hines. She's the best part of my life. Current Goals: To connect with others who are great at creating video content as well as those who are great at growing a blog. For 2021 my goal is to monetize my recipe blog and truly grow my YouTube channel. My website shares some highly coveted recipes such as Butter Cake and Beef Bulgogi while also sharing delectable desserts in the online bakery. As Seen In Sheen Magazine Indy Monthly Indy Maven Jet Mag Rolling Out Huff Post Black Enterprise xoxo, V. Taybron Creator