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Dr.Chinmay Kulkarni




🩺 Dr. Chinmay Kulkarni, a psychiatrist practising in Mumbai. 🧠 Interested in spreading mental health awareness📢 through my club 'Let's Talk Mental Health' Avid reader 📖, love music 🎶, enjoy constructive discussions 🗣️. ✍️ I write articles related to mental health which are published in print and digital media 🗞️. I'm curious and interested in knowing views opposite to mine. I think this quality helps me in my profession as I can empathetically listen 👂 to my patient's emotions , thinking, behaviours and opinions. I believe in rational use of medicines 💊 and behaviour therapy 👥 in treatment of psychiatric disorders. I am against the notion of 'A pill⚪ for every ill🤒'. I also disagree with the notion that fixing👩‍🔧 the biology🧬 somehow will fix the person's life👴. What we do🤼, what we think🧘, how we behave 🤦also has an effect on our biology🔬. I proudly follow the teaching "Each medicine in your prescription📝 should be written keeping only your patient🤕 in mind🧠" given to me by my mentor👨🏻‍⚕️ in psychiatry. Favourite quote- "The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart ❤️ of every human being 🧔" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. This quote tells that there are no good and bad people. Everyone is a good and bad person at different times ⌚ and situations in life.