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Diona Fowlks




💈Licensed BarberStylist•Barber Instructor•PlatformEducator•Barber EventCoordinator•Mentor ⚰️Mortician 🙏🏾Covid Survivor 🎤Open for speaking opportunities. 📚I teach/mentor upcoming and established barbers and stylist how to remove the limits and conquer both sides of the hair game. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Assist families with memorable final memories of love ones. 🦠Spread Awareness as a COVID SURVIVOR! 🎤Aiming to become a Motivational Speaker, ✍️INSPIRING AUTHOR. •Owner/Operator of Xcluxive Salon •CEO of Xcluxive Barber Battle 📚Educating Platforms include •Texas international Hairshow •Bronner Brothers International Hairshow •Mentorship Miami •Colorado Barber and Beauty Expo •Clippers and Shears ,Dallas,Tx •Freddie J RELEVANT 2020 💥501c3 Ultimate Groomers of Dignity Nonprofit that aims to serve and better the community Single Mother of 2 young men 💰Cash App: $dionadfowlks 📱Facebook: DionaDfowlks Here to GROW mentally, spiritually, and financially in pursuit to allow my purpose to take me higher on all avenues that promotes advancement for my NEXT LEVEL OF SUCCESS that will also allow me to help others. “LOOKATJESUS” “NO MORE ORDINARY”!